Monday, 24 November 2014

Methods of Liposuction

Liposuction is a technique in which fat is sucked out of the desired body parts. This way you can target specific areas where you would like to lose fat and work on only that area. Some of the popular areas for liposuction in Indore are given below:

Both men and women can be go for abdomen liposuction. Some of the factors to be considered before opting for surgery are amount of fat, pregnancy, areas of fat and age of the person. Liposuction cost will be determined on the basis of the above factors.

Usually women go for arms liposuction since they do not like muscular, bulky arms. The results of this procedure are usually quite gratifying at any of our clinics at Bhopal, Indore and Jaipur

This is another popular area for liposuction. Caution should be practiced here since removal of more than 60% of fat from Anterior thighs is not recommended.

Female back liposuction gives excellent results. The fat here could be accumulated in flanks above waist & below arms, upper back near armpits, above hips, lower back or upper back right below the neck.

Larger breast may also lead to some of the medical problems like yeast infection, spondylitis and pain. Hence liposuction for breast may not be done only for appearance, it may also help in taking care of some of the health issues.

Goal for Breast male liposuction is simple- remove as much as fat as possible without causing damage to any of the other body parts. Breast development in male can cause embarrassment and social teasing.

Usually accumulation of fat in buttocks is genetically driven and hence it is difficult to lose through usual processes. Hence buttock liposuction is desired, sometimes in conjunction with thigh and knee liposuction.

Liposuction for face & neck is recommended vis a vis a facelift since there are fewer complications involved, faster recovery time and less scars.

Usually males have higher deposits of fat right above the hips- known as flanks or love handles. Liposuction on these areas is quite effective.

Liposuction of inner thighs drastically improves the silhouette of the thighs and is quite popular surgery especially among women.

Legs and ankles do not have any deep fat reserves. Hence rigorous liposuction of these areas is not recommended. Nerves may get damaged in case too much of liposuction is attempted.


Usually women opt for outer thigh liposuction. This gives a very slender look to the legs and increases confidence in women.

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